Pebbles in my shoes
The pleasure of feeling heat on my skin
Purple thistle
Pastel blue butterflies
Red and black bugs
A cone of salty chips
A strong cup of tea
Soreness in my feet
The sea creeps closer
It's spray climbs the land's edge
Chasing a fisherman's heels
Three ships on the horizon
Ever present on my journey
The sun starts to sink
The light deepens
Crickets sing an evening song
The comforting sparkle of the day disappears
In the strange twilight hue
Perception alters
Senses heighten
The white of flowers and stones
Iridescent and surreal
As the colour drains away
I merge into the surroundings
I look down
My legs distinguishable only by their movement
My eyes seeing the blending
And the imagined separation
The heart is beginning to know and acknowledge
As the darkness descends
The fear rises
Of what can't be seen but imagined
An inner voice reassures
I take comfort
From the joy and marvel of a glow worm in my path
The haunting yet welcoming presence of the moon
And the familiar road that takes me home
Eleven hours and fifty minutes
Forty miles of coastal walking
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