1626 Steps
Lounging in the sunshine
1926 Steps
The call of the open road
3202 Steps
7340 Steps
The sparkle of the water
The hum of the midges
8304 Steps
The soft green silvery shimmer
Seeded heads of grass sway in the breeze
A path once soft mud shin deep
Now dry, hardened ruts
Unkind to the ankles
But far less messy
9294 Steps
Fluffy seeds fly the nest
11780 Steps
12578 Steps
The sound of the sea thunders below
The horizon indefinite in the heat haze
13361 Steps
The comforting aroma of bluebells and grass
I move through the landscape
I merge
Not the detached viewer
But the property of the universe
Part of the hugeness I hear in the voice of the sea
And feel in the textures and colours around me
16814 Steps
Hot and sweaty
Skin stinging from time in the sun
And oh so very happy